Personal Renewal Workshops for Women - Reclaim Your Balance and Renew Your Energy
Hosted by: Amie Rafter
Your well-being is the foundation for everything you do. These Personal Renewal Workshops are built for women to align with what matters most, nurture your well-being, and cultivate balance in your life. Through self-care, boundary-setting, and building a strong support system, you’ll learn to prioritize your energy, stay present, and thrive in all you do. This is your space to reconnect, refocus, and renew.
We will create a safe space to systematical go through practices and facilitation to reconnect with our worth in a time where life's pressures are ever more draining us. We will partake in guided meditations, reading, journaling, art, and Yin yoga depending on the theme of the session.
This is a six month program which offers the most community building within the group, that said you can also choose to attend sessions individually.
These workshops are perfect for women in midlife, in transition, women who are overwhelmed, feeling stuck, anyone who wants to connect and grow, women who want to live more mindfully, women who are looking to pivot or want more peace. Basically all can benefit!
6 Sessions - option to attend all or pick & choose!
1/26 Session 1: Who are you? Reconnecting with your authentic self.
2/23 Session 2: Reclaiming your personal power. Moving from fear to love.
3/23 Session 3: Living with intent, saying no and managing priorities.
4/20 Session 4: Unleashing your creativity.
5/18 Session 5: Embracing uncertainty and building community.
6/15 Session 6: Reclaim your life. Strategies for balance.
Link for Tickets: